Liberation route Landerd

This route is located in the municipality of Landerd for the most part. Here, airports, crashed aircraft and Operation Market Garden play an important role in the stories and experiences of the residents.

( 3 hour 45 minutes) 45.0 km

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This route is located in the municipality of Landerd for the most part. Here, airports, crashed aircraft and Operation Market Garden play an important role in the stories and experiences of the residents. An area that had a turbulent history at both the beginning and the end of the Second World War. From the Germans who bombarded the casemates in 1940, to the Allies who - with the help of heroic inhabitants - tried to hastily cross the area in 1944.

The Liberation Route Brabant tells the story of the liberation, but also shows what the Second World War was like for ordinary people who lived in Brabant at the time. Eight cycling routes, spread across North Brabant, lead you past the Brabant Remembers stories, the Liberation Route Europe audio columns, monuments and museums. Together they make the impact of the war on North Brabant clear, even all these years later.

Sights on this route

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Vliegveld Keent werd al meer dan een decennium voor de Tweede Wereldoorlog gebruikt door de marine en landmacht. In de oorlog bleek vliegveld Keent voor de Duitsers een goede hulplocatie voor vliegveld Volkel.

Starting point:

5371 MN Ravenstein
Vliegveld Keent

Een boerin ziet een tweemotorige Engelse bommenwerper laag overvliegen, gevolgd door Duitse nachtjagers. Dat belooft niet veel goeds...

Starting point:

Silhouet Boerin

Op 22 september 1944 kantelde een zwaar beladen amfibievoertuig tijdens het keren van de smalle Maasdijk.

Starting point:

Markeringskei ongeluk amfibievoertuig

In de buurt van Reek woont de dan vijftienjarige seminarist Wim Boeijen. Als hij bij de Tol geallieerde troepen ziet, maakt hij een levensgevaarlijke keuze...

Starting point:

Een engeltje op de schouder Wim Boeijen, 15 jaar

Bevrijdingsmonument De Beschermengel herinnert aan de roerige tijd rondom de bevrijding. Gemaakt door de Gemertse kunstenaar Johan Claasen stelt het een schutsengel of een gevleugelde beschermgeest voor.

Starting point:

Monseigneur Borretstraat
5375 AA Reek
Monument De Beschermengel

De inwoners van Reek zijn na de luchtlandingen van 17 september 1944 bij Grave in afwachting van de bevrijders.

Starting point:

Luisterzuil - De Kleine Elft Luisterzuil Liberation Route

Verwachtingsvol over de naderende bevrijding en aangetrokken tot de militaire colonnes gaat een vijftienjarige jongen samen met zijn vader naar hotel-café De Kleine Elft.

Starting point:

Silhouet vijftienjarige jongen

Op 24 juli 1941 ontvingen de bewoners van een aantal boerderijen in Zeeland een brief van de gemeente, ondertekend door burgermeester Van Hesteren.

Starting point:

Gevelsteen uitbreiding Fliegerhorst Volkel Gevelsteen uitbreiding Fliegerhorst Volkel

Achtervolgd door Duitse jachtvliegtuigen raast Dakota KG579 op 21 september 1944 met brandende rechtermotor over Noord-Brabant.

Starting point:

Oorlogsgraven Dakotavliegers

Luisterzuil met het verhaal over Dear Mrs. Webb, de Dakota KG579.

Starting point:

Luisterzuil - Dear Mrs. Webb

Fliegerhorst Volkel was de uitwijkhaven voor Duitse nachtvliegoperaties vanaf Eindhoven en Gilze-Rijen. Het werd daardoor ook regelmatig gebombardeerd door geallieerde bommenwerpers. De schade kon steeds worden hersteld.

Starting point:

Bomkuilen Trentse Bossen

In mei 1940 wordt midden in de nacht de bewoonster gewekt door knarsende remmen op het spoor achter haar huis. Terwijl er in 1931 al geen treinen meer stoppen.

Starting point:

Silhouet Bewoonster - Duits Lijntje

De Duitse bezetters startten hier in het begin van de Tweede Wereldoorlog met de aanleg van Nachtlandeplatz Volkel. De Luftwaffe gebruikte het vliegveld als uitwijkhaven voor nachtelijke operaties.

Starting point:

Zeelandsedijk 10A
5408 SM Volkel
Fliegerhorst Volkel

Tijdens Operation Market Garden probeert de Royal Air Force de ingesloten Airborne Division te bevoorraden.

Starting point:

Silhouet Engelse Navigator

Na een bevoorradingsvlucht op 21 september 1944 was een Britse Dakota van het 48e RAF Squadron op de terugweg naar Engeland.

Starting point:

Markeringskei neergestorte Dakota

Op deze plek is op 21 februari 1945 een Duitse Messerschmitt-straaljager neergestort.

Starting point:

Markeringskei neergestorte Messerschmitt

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Story of the route

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  • Monument for Peace, Liberty and Responsibility
    This monument in Schaijk, unveiled on 21 September 2008, was established by the Stichting Vier Vrijheid Schaijk (Schaijk Freedom Foundation). The monument was made possible by a donation from the family of the German pilot Gerard Rohde, who was killed near Schaijk during the Second World War. The plinth displays a round base on which there are three upright, three-dimensional Vs. These Vs touch each other with a flame. The round base contains three maxims which show that freedom and safety should never be taken for granted.

  • Keent Airfield
    Keent Airfield had been used by the army and navy for more than a decade before the Second World War. The airfield proved to be a good addition to Volkel air base for the Germans during the war. There are more of these Ausweichplätze (alternative sites) or Schattenplätze (shadow sites) in Kessel, De Rips, and Boxmeer, among others. Keent Airfield had been overlooked during the planning of Operation Market Garden. An American unit only noticed the airfield during the operation. Too late for Market Garden, but Keent proved to be useful for the rest of the war. At the end of September 1944 one of the landing strips was adapted so it could be used by fighter aircraft. But by 7 October 1944 the planes were relocated to Volkel as bad weather had put Keent out of action. Nowadays only the memorial erected in 1995 reminds us of the activities of the Allies.

  • Boulder marking an accident with an amphibious vehicle
    On 22 September 1944 a heavily-laden amphibious vehicle was overturned while trying to turn on the narrow Maasdijk. This resulted in five British soldiers from the Somerset Light Infantry perishing in Reek on the sixth day of Operation Market Garden.

  • Monument De Beschermengel
    The liberation monument De Beschermengel (The Guardian Angel) reminds us of the turbulent times experienced during the liberation. Made by the artist Johan Claasen from Gemert, it portrays a guardian angel or a winged guardian spirit. The tall figure has a hand on its heart with a half-moon above it, as a symbol of the dark days during the war years. Adjoining the right hand the sun rises again, a symbol of the dawn of a new day, and that life goes on in Reek.

  • Dakota airmen’s war grave 
    Pursued by German fighter aircraft, a Dakota KG579 roared over North Brabant on 21 September 1944 with its right-hand motor on fire. Two pilots were unable to free themselves from the Dakota and were killed when it crashed near Volkel. The rest of the crew had been able to escape from the aircraft during this flight to disaster. They came under fire from the pursuing Germans.

  • Stone plaque extension Air Base Volkel
    On 24 July 1941, the owners of a number of farms in Zeeland received a letter signed by Mayor Van Hesteren. Their houses were to be seized on the orders of the German army. They needed to make way for enlarging the German airfield in Uden, now known as Volkel Air Base. The residents had to clear their houses and find a roof over their heads somewhere else. In 1942, residents who had been driven out moved to four new blocks of houses on Brand in the village of Zeeland. A stone plaque in the facade reminds us of the seizure of their homes.

  • Bomb Crater in the Trentse Bossen woods
    Volkel Air Base was an alternative base for German night-flying operations from Eindhoven and Gilze-Rijen. For this reason it was regularly hit by Allied bombing missions. But the damage was repairable, at least until the attacks prior to Operation Market Garden. When retreating with their aircraft, the Germans caused so much damage that the Allies could not use ‘Volkel’. You can still see the bomb craters from the many Allied attacks, including those of 15 August and 3 September 1941, in the Trentse Bossen woods

  • Air Base Volkel
    The German occupiers began with the construction of the Nachtlandeplatz (night landing strip) Volkel here at the beginning of the Second World War. The Luftwaffe were to use the airfield as an alternative base for night-time operations. In 1943 it was extended to become a Fliegerhorst (air base). The fighter planes that were stationed here were used to attack Allied aircraft and protect the Ruhr.

  • Charme Camping Hartje Groen & De Boshut 
    Charme Camping Hartje Groen & De Boshut is an official Brabants Fietscafé; a Brabant Bicycle Café. In these bicycle cafés, cyclists are made to feel especially welcome! You can stop by for a delicious bite to eat or a refreshing drink, and make use of facilities such as a repair kit, bicycle pump and e-bike charging station. These bicycle cafés can be recognised by the hexagonal 'Brabants Fietscafé' sticker on the window.

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