Cycling route: A taste of Van Gogh

The Brabant life and landscape formed the basis of the work by Vincent van Gogh. Vincent was born, grew up and painted his first masterpiece in Brabant: ‘The Potato Eaters’.

( 5 hour 50 minutes ) 70 km

Starting point: from your location

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Van Gogh and the flavours of West Brabant

The Brabant life and landscape formed the basis of the work by Vincent van Gogh. Vincent was born, grew up and painted his first masterpiece in Brabant: ‘The Potato Eaters’. In 1881, Vincent lived and worked at his parent’s home in Etten for a time. Discover the monuments and countryside that provided Vincent with so much inspiration and that formed a turning point in his life.

Sights on this route


Starting point:

Hoge Bremberg 33
4873 LD Etten-Leur
IJsboerderij Heidehoeve

If you book an excursion at De Santspuy wine and asparagus farm in Etten-Leur and get Gilbert Sweep as your guide, you're one lucky person.

Starting point:

Zandspui 45 45
4873 LZ Etten-Leur
De Santspuy wine and asparagus farm

Starting point:

Pannenhoefsebaan 31
4891 ZA Rijsbergen
Het Aardbeienterras

Zundert is one of two towns in the Netherlands where genuine Trappist beer is brewed.

Starting point:

Rucphenseweg 38
4882 KC Zundert
De Kieviet Trappist Brewery - Abbey of Our Lady of Refuge

Story of the route

  • Van Gogh Church Etten-Leur
    Vincent’s period in Etten
    The Van Gogh Church (one of the five official Van Gogh monuments in Etten-Leur) tells the story of and the importance of Vincent’s time in Brabant’s Etten in a colourful way through a permanent exhibition. The Van Gogh family lived here for seven years and at the age of 28, Vincent had his first ever studio here. He officially registered as an artist on 1 March.
  • De Santspuy
    Sample the flavours of the farm
    You will find the Sweep family’s wine and asparagus farm, De Santspuy, in the countryside, just outside Etten-Leur. Here, it is all about the good things in life: fresh quality products for healthy and tasty food. The family warmly welcomes you to come and enjoy yourself at the farm and sample the flavours of Etten-Leur.
  • IJsboerderij Heidehoeve
    Milk from their own cows
    The Pijs family ice cream farm is at the edge of Etten-Leur, close to Vloeiweide. At the farm they make artisan ice cream with milk from their own cows. Besides various flavours of ice cream they also make sorbet and sugar-free ice cream. The farm is in a wonderful location at the edge of the Kogelvanger forest region in Etten-Leur and the Rith area in Breda.
    During a visit to the Ijsboerderij Heidehoeve, not only can you enjoy an ice cream on the terrace, but children can also get acquainted with the animals and you can take a special 1.5-hour excursion.
  • The Menmoerhoeve
    Brabant recreation
    It’s all about the agreeable Brabant way of life in the Menmoerhoeve farm: outdoor recreation in the countryside and enjoying specialities and pure local produce. The farm takes every opportunity to produce their products in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Nothing is wasted and they use as many products as they can from their own land in their dishes, including the vegetables and meat. During a visit you can walk over the grounds where there is also a petting farm, playground, vegetable garden with forgotten types of vegetables and a butterfly garden.
  • The Strawberries Terrace
    Sample the Summer Kings
    The Strawberries Terrace is a strawberry nursery where the sweet Summer Kings have been grown for the past three generations. The nursery is located right next to the beautiful natural landscape of ‘De Pannenhoef' making it an ideal starting point or stop off point for hiking and cycling tours. Since 1997, you can enjoy delicious (strawberry) snacks and drinks on the indoor or outdoor terrace. You can take a peek in the nursery and children can even pick a box of strawberries and earn their ‘picking diploma’.
  • Herberg ’t Pannehûske
    Back to Grandma’s time
    This inn is located in the middle of the Achtmaal forest on the Wallsteijn Estate. It isn’t a real inn anymore since you can’t spend the night here, but you can experience the exceptional history of the place.
    Herberg ‘t Pannehûske has been a household name in the region since 1891, with its antique decor from Grandma’s time, located at the gateway to Achtmaal near Zundert. There are rumours that once you have entered 't Pannehûske, your eyes, ears and taste buds will be continually amazed by an overwhelming trip back in time. Travel to a time from long ago that we now only know from the fairy-tales Grandma used to tell and from Grandad’s tall tales.
  • Trappistenbrouwerij De Kievit
    Beer from Zundert
    Zundert is one of the two places in the Netherlands where they brew genuine Trappist beer. That is exceptional if you think that there are only twelve Trappist monastery breweries in the world that can carry the ‘Authentic Trappist Product’ logo.
    Trappist bier has a special place among beer connoisseurs due to its high quality and unique character. Zundert Trappist is brewed by Trappistenbrouwerij De Kievit. The beer must meet several conditions to be able to carry the ‘Authentic Trappist Product’ trademark. One condition is that it must be brewed within the walls of a Trappist abbey. The monks and nuns of the Order of the Cistercians of the Strict Observance, as the Trappist order is officially called, live by the adage ‘Ora et labora’ – ‘pray and work’. They produce beer, among other things, to provide themselves with a livelihood and to support those in need. The brewery is a non-profit organisation.
    The brewery is not open for viewing but there is an abbey shop with a wide range of artisan abbey products from the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and France. They also sell their own Zundert Trappist beer here.
  • Vincent van Gogh House
    Where Vincent was born
    Vincent van Gogh was born in Zundert and it is here where his love for the Brabant landscape originated. The Vincent Van Gogh House tells his story. Starting at the museum, you can discover the important places from his youth via the special Van Gogh walking route.
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