Boundary marker 191 and the highest point of North Brabant

At boundary marker 191 you stand on the highest natural point in North Brabant.

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The highest point in North Brabant: At boundary marker 191 you stand on the highest natural point in North Brabant; 44 metres above the Amsterdam Ordnance Datum.

Boundary marker 191: Boundary marker 191 is one of the 288 markers placed after 1843 between the Netherlands and Belgium, of which seven are between Luyksgestel and Lommel. These cast-iron boundary markers, with a coat of arms at 1.3 metres high, weigh 372 kilos. At the top, there is a knob shaped like a pinecone – a symbol of eternity.

This is how to reach Boundary marker 191 and the highest point of North Brabant

Zwarte Horst
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