Crow’s feet monument

Crow’s feet monument reminds Luyksgestel people and other border residents of smuggling.

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‘Het Kraaienpootmonument’ (The Crow’s Feet Monument) was installed in the centre of Luyksgestel in 1985 and it was made by Ad Wouters and Jan van den Dungen. The metal sign at the foot of the monument states: ‘De Kraaienpoot’ (‘The Crow’s Feet’). At the end of the 1950s and early 1960s, local smugglers used them as ‘weapons’ to shake off the customs officers following them. Bunches of crow’s feet were spread across the road through an ingenious pipe system mounted under the car. Crow’s feet were made so that one of the four protruding points always faced upwards. They were guaranteed to puncture a tyre.

This is how to reach Crow’s feet monument

Dorpstraat 79
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