De Berken nature reserve

This nature reserve is located in the stream valley of the Astense Aa brook

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Hiking trail to explore this area

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This nature reserve is located in the stream valley of the Astense Aa brook. Here, a brook still freely meanders through flower-dotted meadows and old forests for two kilometres. The heavy oak trees have sometimes started to lean over due to the weak soil and the abrading waters of the Aa. The winding brook deposits a layer of sediment on one side of the bank while the other - steep - bank is abraded. Consequently, many different habitats, including islets, have formed, for various types of plants and animals.    In De Berken nature reserve the river Aa meanderingly finds its way. You can visit this special piece of nature by embarking on the ‘Woudloperspad’ trail (starting point at Hazeldonkseweg between Liessel and Vlierden).   

This is how to reach De Berken nature reserve

Natuurgebied de Berken
5757 SM Liessel
Plan your route

Starting point: from your location

Opening times

  • Every monday open
  • Every tuesday open
  • Every wednesday open
  • Every thursday open
  • Every friday open
  • Every saturday open
  • Every sunday open

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