van Schijndel Bouwgroep Molenbroekloop

On 6 April GAC Gemert will again organize the van Schijndel Bouwgroep Molenbroekloop.There are three distances offered at this run and 5,10 or 15 km.There is also a walk over 5 or 10 km. More information see


14 September 2025

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On 6 April GAC Gemert will again organize the van Schijndel Bouwgroep Molenbroekloop.There are three distances offered at this run and 5,10 or 15 km.There is also a walk over 5 or 10 km. More information see

Here, you will find van Schijndel Bouwgroep Molenbroekloop

Atletiekterrein GAC Gemert
Sportlaan 22
5421 SK Gemert
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Starting point: from your location

Dates and times

  • Sunday the 14th of september 2025 at 09:00

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