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Oktoberfest Aarle-Rixtel SOLD OUT

The Oktoberfest will be held for the 10th time.


until 5 October 2024

See all dates and times
price from
from €21.50 (Adults)
from your location

In the first weekend of October, the Heuvelplein in Aarle-Rixtel is once again transformed into German spheres.

New this year are De Nunentaler Schürzenjager and De Rosentaler, two bands that certainly know how to build a party. This also allows the organisation to give two bands from the region a stage. In addition, the old familiar names like Die Partyhosen, Ruud Appelhof, Patrick Hendrikx and Die Party Polizei will also perform and turn the tent upside down. What is also new is the decoration of all the waiters. They look beautiful and have been sponsored by the Houtse Bazaar and Haus Huberts.

It promises to be another brilliant edition. 

Here, you will find Oktoberfest Aarle-Rixtel SOLD OUT

Tent op de Heuvel
Dorpsstraat 86
5735EG Aarle-Rixtel
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Starting point: from your location


  • Adults €21.50

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