Supersized Kingsday Festival 2025

On April 27, 2025, B2S will organize the event "Supersized Kingsday Festival" at the Aquabest recreation area in Best. During the event, DJs will perform in the various areas.


26 April 2025

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Op 27 april 2025 organiseert B2S, opererend onder B2S BV, op het recreatieterrein Aquabest, Gemeente Best, het evenement “Supersized Kingsday Festival”. Gedurende het evenement zullen in de verschillende area’s Dj’s een optreden verzorgen.

Here, you will find Supersized Kingsday Festival 2025

Recreatieplas Aquabest
Ekkersweijers 1
5681 RZ Best
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Dates and times

  • Saturday the 26th of april 2025 from 11:00 to 23:00

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