With the message ‘Everyone must conquer a place in this jungle’, graffiti artist Marijn van de Beek starts creating his ‘jungle’. Based on the idea that we are all connected to each other and therefore form a whole with the greater, everyone will have to conquer a place in this urbanized environment


until 27 October

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With the message ‘Everyone must conquer a place in this jungle’, graffiti artist Marijn van de Beek starts creating his ‘jungle’. Based on the idea that we are all connected to each other and therefore form a whole with the greater, everyone will have to conquer a place in this urbanized environment.
With spray can and brush, the gallery space is worked on a kaleidoscopic total experience, in which the theme is further elaborated step by step and made known to the world from his tree house. Under the name Aware Dream State, he has mainly worked on the street. Now, for the first time, he will bring together the feeling of the street and the natural images of the jungle in a controlled indoor environment.

Here, you will find AWARE DREAM STATE/MARIJN VAN DE BEEK Welcome 2 da Jungle

T 56
TARWELAAN 56, 5632 KG, Eindhoven
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  • Daily until october 27th, 2024

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